U-485 Coverts USB to RS485


     U-485 connects easily from a PC USB Type B port to TRi PLCs via the available RS485 terminal.                   

    •  Convert USB to RS485           
    •  Ground terminal available                   
    •  Connect a PC to one or more devices                   
    •  Program/monitor PLCs via RS485                   
    •  LED indicators for communication  

    The new U-485 is a USB to RS485 converter that converts the PC's USB port directly to a two-wire RS485 interface. The converter is powered directly by the USB port and hence minimal wiring is required to connect your PC to any devices that has two-wire RS485 interface (e.g. All TRiLOGI brand of PLCs have at least 1 built-in RS485 port and on Nano-10 that's its only serial port).                            

    With U-485 you can use the i-TRiLOGI + TLServer software to program a network of M-series, F-series and/or Nano-10 PLCs from a single PC. U-485 is also a great tool for trouble-shooting RS485 communication issues between devices.                            

    £0.00 + vat
    £40.60 + vat
    Availability:In Stock
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