Triangle DB15 Cable Analogue Interface Cable DB15CABLE


    Triangle DB15 Cable Analogue Interface Cable DB15CABLE

    This DB15 analog interface cable is a straight ribbon cable with a Male DB15 connector on one end and a Female DB15 connector on the other end. The male end is supposed to be plugged into the DB15 analog port on the PLC and the female end is to be plugged into the DB15 port on the external analog interface board..

    This cable is included with the AN20MA-2 analog module; however. it is not included with the AIO-TERM1 analog interface board. It is generally optional and used to extend the interface board for flexible analog I/O wiring.

    PLCs -

    FMD88-10     FMD1616-10      Fx1616-BA     Fx2424

    £0.00 + vat
    £8.50 + vat
    Availability:In Stock
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