Triangle Non-Volatile FRAM & Battery Backed Real Time Clock FRAM-RTC-0

    The FRAM-RTC-0/256 module has a set of 2x5 header pins which are to be plugged into the "CONN1" connector on the PLC. A nylon standoff is included to provide the support on the right side of the FRAM-RTC board. If there is a matching hole on the PLC the standoff will provide additional grip on the FRAM-RTC board. If not. simply trim the end of the standoff to provide a support to the FRAM-RTC.

    *Only works on Nano-10/FMD Series*

    ▸ 11.000 16-bit words of Ferromagnetic RAM (FRAM) memory that will be used as primary storage for the user’s EEPROM data. These FRAM memory can also be used to store up to 549 strings of 40 characters per string. These FRAM memories allow an unlimited number of read and write cycles at full speed and they are thus much better than the traditional “EEPROM” memory.

    ▸ A lithium battery-backed Real Time Clock (RTC). Athough there is an internal RTC on Nano-10 PLC. it loses its content when the PLC is powered OFF and you will need to set the RTC when the PLC is powered ON again. On the FRAMRTC the clock is maintained by the 3V lithium cell battery and will run continously even when power OFF. Nano-10 CPU automatically detects the presence of FRAM-RTC-0/256 and will load its internal RTC with the data from FRAMRTC upon power ON. 


    - Dimension (L x W x H)47.8 x 18.5 x 10 mm
    - Weight0.15 lbs


    pdf-small.gif Installation Guide

    PLCs -

    Nano-10     FMD88-10     FMD1616-10

    £0.00 + vat
    £37.00 + vat
    Availability:In Stock
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